Review of the Drips, Drops & Illusions Workshop on October 28th and 29th
Early Saturday morning a large group of photographers got together to learn the basics of splash and liquid photography…they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into.
We began the day with a lecture about how and why we use speed lights to stop the action of splashes followed with all of the different stations that they would be working with for the day. We had 6 different stations that they would rotate through the 7 hours of shooting….they had no idea how fast 7 hours goes by!
Stations #1 & #2 : The Drop
This is the first time that these tanks have seen water…I had them custom built without frames and to match the aspect ratios of most camera sensors. Either Portrait (Tall & Deep Tank) and Landscape (Wide Tank). Paul Clark and Danny Howard helped immensely at these stations….mostly moping!
But the final results are amazing……here is a final photo from Jean-Philippe Thierry:
Station #3: Colorful Crowns
What do you get when you mix food coloring, cream and acrylic paint together…..a beautiful mess!
Holly Wessol’s final image “Game of Thrones” Splash:
Station #4: Throwing Milk (Don’t try this at home!)
With a large portion of our lighting studio covered in plastic, the participants were allowed to get some frustrations out by throwing liquids all day. As with the other stations, many captured some really unique shots.
Jeanie Hangartner’s:
Joe Stam’s:
Station #5: Squeeze (Not the 1980’s Band):
Few thought that they would enjoy this station until they saw….
….the results (amazing)!
Station #6: Collisions
The timed collision of two drops of liquid can be quite interesting..
Jeanie Hangartner’s Image:
Kim Mosberg’s Image:
Jean-Philippe Thierry’s Image Image:
And that was just the first day of the weekend workshop…8 hours felt like 10 (exhausting) minutes. Several participants even kept shooting hours after the day ended.
Day 2
Blurry eyed we met again on Sunday morning…3 hours of reviewing editing workflows with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, Printing and Critiques.
Thank you to all of the participants and the specular staff of Neale Zingle, Paul Clark and Danny Howard. It was on big “Splash” of a weekend!