Where do you get your ideas?
‘Steal Like an Artist’ monthly series, the third Thursday of every month.
Inspired by Austin Kleon’s book, ‘Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative’. Kleon writes that nothing is original and all artists’ steal…“The wonderful flaw about human beings is that we’re incapable of making perfect copies. Our failure to copy our heroes is where we discover where our own thing lives. That is how we evolve.” Here is a link to Austin Kleon’s Book
As students of photography, we will try to imitate the photographers at the top of our field to give us tools to go forth and find our own voices in this art with the knowledge we retain from their style and wisdom. Photographers will be pulled from ‘The Photographer’s Playbook’ on sale right now at aperture.org. The other recommended reading for this series is ‘Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative’ by Austin Kleon.
This is a self-directed group being hosted in our studio. The group members will decide the group’s structure and the direction of exploration. Each month’s presentation will use electronic means; no printing is required. Members will be encouraged to study the selected artists, actively participate in both researching and discussing the selected artists style and artistic philosophy and present their individual interpretation of the selected artist’s methods incorporated into their own style.
This is an opportunity to continue photographic development in both technical ability and artistic content.
There is no fee for participating.
Phone: 872-529-2272