Photo IV



A class for students who have successfully finished Photo 3 (or reached the skill level of that completed class) designed to help you succeed in both photographing and printing high quality images.  Students choose a self-assignment theme to guide their shooting and share with the class their printed photographs, from the first “as shot” version to the finished image.  The ultimate goal is to produce a story-in-photographs based on the chosen theme.  Special emphasis is placed on class discussion around composition and editing, as well as printing in color or black and white.  Students actively participate in critiques (and learning). Specific lessons on troublesome or challenging aspects of Lightroom, Photoshop or printing are offered (e.g., printing in black and white using Epson drivers). This class is an excellent preparation for students interested in being in next year’s Student Show in the WithInSight Gallery.

Class Length: 7-Weeks
Class Options: In-Person
Lecture Duration: About 1.5 Hours


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