Shoot for the Moon and Stars



REGISTRATIONS OPEN DEC. 10th, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Join Gerri Whitley and Nick Sinnott to learn how to photograph the moon and stars.  We will meet 6 times via Zoom, every 4 weeks (please see below for the exact dates).  Astrophotography has always been a passion between these two popular instructors.  Learn everything you need to start capturing the moon and stars.  The course will cover the nuts and bolts of how to plan, shoot and edit beautiful night sky images.  Topics covered will include planning, scouting, exposure, equipment, composition, and post-processing/editing.  Details include equipment use, camera settings, focusing techniques, white balance and more.

After each online class, you’ll be tasked to independently photograph the moon, stars or the Milky Way using the skills learned.  Because this genre of photography can be challenging (for many different reasons as they’ll explain), you will have three weeks between each class to photograph the night sky subject.  Gerri and Nick will review and discuss your photos during the next online session. The class dates (and breaks) were planned by the Calendar of Celestial Events so that you’ll have opportunities to photograph the topics.

2025 Class Dates (All dates @ 7:00 PM CT)

  • January 7th
  • February 4th
  • March 4th
  • April 1st
  • May 6th
  • June 10th
  • October 28th (Image Review)


Celestial events that occur during this period:

  • Total Lunar Eclipse
  • Partial Solar eclipse (Eastern States Only)
  • Earthshine (Da Vinci glow)
  • Lyrid Meteor Shower
  • Perseid Meteor Shower
  • Core of Milky Way Visible
  • Multiple Full Moon Opportunities


Please note that this is an introductory class to astrophotography, they will cover skills for planning, executing and editing single shot images of the night sky.  To complete this class you will need a DSLR or Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera, a wide fast lens (f/2.8 or wider), a long focal length lens (200mm or longer), a sturdy tripod, a cable or remote release and the PhotoPills app.

Instructors: Gerri Whitley & Nick Sinnott
Class Length: 6 Weeks – Meets every 4-Weeks via Zoom (exact dates are listed in description)
Class Options: Online & Some in-person
Lecture Duration: 2 Hours
Prerequisites: Completion of Photo II or Permission from Gerri or Nick

1 review for Shoot for the Moon and Stars

  1. Jason Klein

    This class was incredibly fun and interactive. There is so much to photograph in the night sky and this class teaches you not only the techniques needed in camera, but also the essential planning steps so you are more than prepared to execute the shot you want. I would highly recommend this class if you are interested in astrophotography and I am sure I’ll want to take it again after exploring some more dark sites.

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