Juried by Susan Burnstine
Curated by Federica Ghidelli and Denise Orlin
January 19th – April 21st 2023
WithINSight Gallery
4001 N Ravenswood ave, first floor
Show’s statement:
Over these past few years our sense of place may have shifted. While we were once rooted in our home towns and usual routine, many have explored, traveled and created a new life for themselves.
The opposite is also true. Some of us rediscovered their homes and familiar places, now with new eyes and different priorities.
Whatever our journey might be, we all search for places that bring us comfort, meaning, and belonging.
These places may be a forest preserve, a high-rise office building, your kitchen table, a garden, a waterway. People, new relationships and activities can also be the anchor of these recent transformations.
Duanny Alva, Heather Baker, Whitney Bush, Linda Caldwell, Margot Cepeda, Sharlene Chapman, Ashley Cheeks, Kambua Chema, Jaclyn Cori, Steven Exo, Curtis Fedder, Jane Feely, Rena Goodfriend-Leve, Maureen Haldeman, Cynthia Harris, Susan Isaaccson, Wendy Istvanick, Hanna Latham, Leonardo Layton, Iveta Lazdina, Merle Litowitz, Krysia Lukkason, Janis McGowan, Shirley Nannini, Alyssa Neuser, Patricia Pedroza, Michael Piacenza, Vivien Qian, Taffy Raphael, Dan Scott, Jennifer Stix, Stephanie Stuart, Sandra Sugawara,Ellen Sullivan, Jane Thorsen,Venu Tummalapalli, Honey J Walker, Kathryn Weinstein, Junko Yokota.
If you are interested in purchasing a piece, please contact the curators at:

If you cannot stop by the gallery to see the show, enjoy these beautiful group images!